
For my latest posts, please see the titles in the right sidebar!

I have been writing a blog at various speeds and increments since 2008, when I wrote a series of posts based on my book What a Body Knows (2009). In 2009, I began posting on Psychology Today, sharing farm tales related to the publication of Family Planting (2011).

In the list to your right, you will find a wide variety of posts focusing on dance, movement, family, farming, as well as book reviews and commentary on current events.

Here are some fan favorites:

To Dance is a Radical Act

 Part Two: To Dance is (More than Just) A Radical Act

Did Humans Evolve to Dance?

Emotional Habits: The Key to Addiction

The Meaning of Milk


2 thoughts on “Blog

  1. John Poparad

    Obvious question: how do the brains develop in persons born with physical or neurological challenging conditions that inhibit or prevent dance(movement)?

    1. Kimerer Post author

      It helps to think about the brain as a capacity for remembering movement patterns. Any bodily self makes its own brain, by virtue of the movements it makes. These bodily movements include the movement of our senses as well as our limbs. Insofar as a person is able to breathe and her heart, she is moving, and her movements build a brain. The brain will develop and unfold along its own genetic potentials, in response to the stimuli provided by what the bodily self’s own movements make perceptible and possible. Thanks for your question!


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